Towards Better Things...


Relation.Center creates a bridge between companies that use Relativity Services and their partners that host Relativity Instances.

Expanding Relativity Services based on specific requirements was not an effortless process. 

The communication process to create a custom service was complex and informal...

With Relation.Center this process is formalized and automatic.

Relation.Center is a better solution towards standardization, quality, and efficiency!

Product Details

  • A new relation and communication between partners that use and/or host Relativity
  • Standardized way of creating custom Services in Relativity
  • Managing custom Relativity Services
  • No need for technical Emails, Phone calls etc. to communicate technical details
  • No need to have a demo Relativity Instance
  • Online Query Builder to build your custom Services
  • Easy custom Relativity Service Installation and management in Relation.Center
  • Sharing custom Services with different partners
  • Creating fees and invoices for custom Service installation and resource usage
  • Realtime analytics for custom Services
  • Realtime execution of custom Services and displaying Relativity response
  • Publishing and monetizing custom Services on Community Market (next version)


About Relation.Center

Relation.Center target is to increase the communication, technical and procedures standards and quality between partners that use custom services (scripts, APIs, Kepler etc.) in Relativity.  Relation.Center will provide a new way of reviewing, accepting, and installing custom services in Relativity.  Now they will be able to charge their partners using Relation.Center for the resources they [partners] use with custom services installed in the hosted Relativity Instances.


Relativity is a big platform... However, they are not able to fulfill all possible specific custom requirements users or companies have.  Usually there are a lot of services for specific purposes that are not included in the installation package or cloud environment instances that Relativity provides.  These users/companies will have to develop their own custom services or scripts.  They will need to get development partner licenses to access Relativity environment and explore their Database to understand the correct queries they need to write in their custom services or scripts.  In our experience we have encountered another problem regarding the communication between the partner that is hosting Relativity instances and their dev clients that need to develop a custom service.  There is no standard in this communication and the code/queries/documentation must pass through the Emails.  Usually, this code will pass security levels and it will be installed with an Application Library or Script in Relativity.

Relation.Center is created to fix these problems and increase the quality and the standards in all the aspects mentioned above and more.
Usualy the custom services will point to Audit tables in Relativity, and they will consume many resources and bandwidth for a short amount of time.  All these costs are usually not considered.

Relation.Center includes the new Invoice mechanism where our clients that will be also the Relativity host will be able to charge based on custom services (Macros) dev partners will request. 

Relation.Center In Action

The video below is a recording of the current state of in action.

The video covers most of the project main features


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